About Us
Whether you’re building a fleet for your business or you’re a member with one of our proud partners, the Mercedes-Benz Corporate Sales Program† and the Mercedes-Benz Star AccessSM Program† are second to none, and give you the opportunity to use an exclusive incentive on the purchase or lease of a top performing, premium vehicle.
If your company is considering adding Mercedes-Benz vehicles to its fleet, enrolling in our corporate program can give you access to benefits designed to help make purchasing fleet vehicles even easier.
Executives currently receiving a vehicle allowance as part of their compensation package are also eligible for special benefits. The Executive Allowance Bonus Program is tailored for these select individuals.
In order to qualify for participation in the Executive Allowance Bonus, your company must meet the following requirements:
A) Your company is currently enrolled in the Mercedes-Benz Fleet Program and has an assigned Corporate Account Number (CAN).
B) Your company has employees who receive a vehicle allowance as part of their compensation package that applies to the individual purchase/lease of a company vehicle. To qualify for EAB, the applicant must submit the following documentation:
Most of the models in the Mercedes-Benz product line are eligible for incentives under the Mercedes-Benz Fleet Program.
NOTE: To be eligible for the Mercedes-Benz Fleet Program, vehicles must be new and unused. Mercedes-Benz Certified Pre-Owned vehicles are not eligible.
Once a company is enrolled in the Fleet Program, eligible executives can take advantage of the Executive Allowance Bonus (EAB) program.
To take advantage of EAB incentives, executives will need to obtain an EAB Incentive Form with an assigned control number. Executives will be required to present this form at their Mercedes-Benz Dealership.
To obtain an EAB Incentive Form with an assigned Control Number, executives should follow the EAB enrollment instructions (See below for: “How to Enroll.”)
In order for the executive to be eligible for the Executive Allowance Bonus incentive, the applicant’s company must have a Corporate Account Number (CAN). To obtain one, the executive’s company officer must complete a CAN Enrollment Form. He/she may access and submit this online application by clicking on the link below. Then an email or fax of the vehicle registrations to [email protected] or (201) 263-7313 needs to occur.
The executive must complete an Executive Allowance Bonus Enrollment Form. You may download and print a copy in PDF format by clicking on the link below. (Please note that you will need Adobe® Reader®.)
Download the Executive Allowance Bonus Enrollment Form
Along with the EAB Enrollment Form, the following documents must be emailed to MBUSA Fleet Operations at [email protected] or faxed to (201) 263-7313:
For further assistance regarding the application process, please call us toll free at 1-866-628-7232.
Visit any authorized Mercedes-Benz Dealer and present the Incentive Form. The executive has the option of purchasing/leasing a vehicle from dealer inventory or ordering through the dealership.
The dealer and the executive must complete and sign the Incentive Form.
The vehicle must be purchased or leased in the name of the executive listed on the Incentive Form. The fleet incentive must be used at the time of purchase or lease.
Fleet incentives are available on all sedans/wagons/4MATIC® All-Wheel Drive models where applicable. Incentive amounts are subject to change without notice and should be confirmed with your dealer at time of transaction. The Fleet Incentive must be used at time of purchase/lease. Purchaser granted control number must be the buyer/co-buyer or lessee/co-lessee. Fleet incentives cannot be used in conjunction with Diplomat, European Delivery, Courtesy Vehicle Program (CVP) vehicle that has not met the minimum service requirement, Special Demos, certificate programs, control number programs, other Fleet Programs (Corporate Sales, Executive Allowance Bonus (EAB) or Fleet Employee Program (FEP)), or non-U.S. specification vehicles. Corporate Program, Executive Allowance Program and Executive Allowance Bonus Program is available for qualified customers only.
FEP Companies:
If your company has a valid Corporate Account Number you are eligible to participate in the Mercedes-Benz FLEET employee program on new purchased or leased vehicles. Your company may also participate in the Mercedes-Benz, USA Fleet Incentive Program by enrolling at www.mbusa.com or by contacting us at (704) 889-4444.
For information on our Commercial Van Fleet Program, please click here.
If you have a company with 15 or more vehicles of ANY make or model registered in the company name, you may be eligible to participate in this program. Please contact our dealership for more details on how we may serve you!